Legal Cases

Legal Case

Regina Civic Awareness
and Action Network (RCAAN)

Freedoms Advocate is providing support to a proposed intervenor, RCAAN, as they seek to intervene in a constitutional challenge brought against the Saskatchewan Government by UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (“UR Pride”).

RCAAN believes the best protection for children is within a family setting where parents are involved in all important decisions regarding their children. RCAAN seeks to uphold the best interests of children through their unique support for parental and family rights, including in the context of religious freedom and children with disabilities.

Legal Case: RESOLVED!

Student Support of Jewish People on Campus

In the first half of 2024, Freedoms Advocate provided financial support to enable legal representation for a University student originally from Iran and living in Western Canada who is a practicing Christian.

The student’s University accused him of non-academic misconduct relating to events in October 2023 when he wore an Israeli flag on campus in support of the Jewish population shortly after the terrorist group, Hamas, bombed Israel in an unprovoked attack. With the help of the legal advice funded by Freedoms Advocate, the matter was successfully resolved in May 2024.

The terms of the settlement are confidential.

Legal Case

Protecting Student's Free Speech on Campus

Freedoms Advocate has been providing legal support to a student who shared his views at his post-secondary institution in order to encourage civil discourse on racial matters and now faces discipline by his university.

Legal Case

Emanuel: Student Discriminated Against by Anti-Discrimination Services

Emanuel v. Ryerson Students’ Union et al was in a preliminary hearing before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

Emanuel, a survivor of sexual trauma, is a woman of colour with a medical disability. A campus offering “equity services” has allegedly discriminated against the recipient of those services.

Legal Case

Medical Professionals Freedom of Speech and Expression During COVID-19


Freedoms Advocate supported legal  representation for medical professionals in Canada who were under threat from their colleges for treating COVID-19 reasonably and professionally, as well as for those who questioned COVID-19 policies and are under investigation on that basis.

Legal Case

Defending the Right to Preach

Vancouver street preacher Steven Brown was charged with mischief and causing a disturbance for simply continuing to share a Biblical message on Vancouver streets. Freedoms Advocate provided support to Pastor Brown in defence against these charges.  

Legal Case

Zaki v. University of Manitoba

In the case of Zaki v University of Manitoba, Freedoms Advocate is supporting Rafael Zaki, a medical student who was expelled the first time from the College of Medicine because when other students anonymously complained about him sharing his beliefs on social media, he refused to recant those beliefs. Zaki then went to court successfully, and his case was sent back for a new university hearing. 

Zaki needed to go back to court after being expelled again. Mr. Zaki alleged in court documents that the committee that expelled him for the second time misrepresented what happened at his university hearing and expelled him on the basis of that misrepresentation.