What We Do

What We Do

Freedoms Advocate is an ethical, registered charitable organization based in Alberta, Canada. We are not affiliated with any other groups or organizations. Freedoms Advocate defends faith, family, and freedom. We represent people with strong values and beliefs, who despite their own fears, choose to stand up against government to protect the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.

We provide financial support to fund select legal cases at all levels of government, across all of Canada, on issues of fundamental importance to the liberty and constitutional rights of Canadians. 

We accept no government funding for our vital work. Instead, we accept donations from concerned Canadians who want to support our work and efforts to maintain and protect the liberty and constitutional freedoms of Canadians. 

We advance our mandate by promoting public awareness, and provide education and legal support on issues of fundamental importance to the constitutional rights of Canadians.

We fight to win.

What We Cannot Do

We do not take on situations involving private individuals and businesses that are not subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We are unable to provide support for cases that involve family law matters, landlord-tenant disputes, consumer disputes, employee relations, divorce, wills and estates. We also do not assist with criminal matters unless the case arises out of the exercise of constitutional rights such as protest, freedom of assembly, free speech, freedom of religion, or civil rights.

An Advocate For You


If it is important to you that individuals have the right to freedom of expression so they can share their opinions openly, the Freedoms Advocate is for you.


If it is important to you that individuals have the right to freedom of religion, so they can share and protect their beliefs, the Freedoms Advocate is for you.


If it is important to you that individuals are not punished in workplaces or on college campuses because they share “incorrect” beliefs or opinions, the Freedoms Advocate is for you.


If it is important to you that government is prohibited from compelling your speech, telling you what you can and cannot say, the Freedoms Advocate is for you.