
Volunteer with The Watch

Join the Watch, National Volunteer Network

Mission:  Empowering Citizens for Freedom

A few years ago, we stood at the precipice of change. Conversations about government overreach began vibrating through our society, echoing the concerns of ordinary citizens across Canada.

With the expertise of dedicated lawyers, our commitment to protect rights has culminated in a remarkable journey over the past decade—culminating in a stunning 93% success rate in the cases we’ve funded. Each victory hasn’t just been a legal win; it’s been a powerful statement establishing positive precedents nationwide.

But as we watch the waves of government overreach rise, we recognize that our current efforts, while impactful, are not enough.

In mid-2021 and throughout 2022, we managed to support over 8,800 individuals and groups, successfully persuading local governments to amend their overreaching behaviors without the hefty financial burden of court costs. These victories may not have ignited court rulings, but they corrected local issues and alleviated the risk of setting harmful legal precedents. They showcased what collective action could achieve when we stand united in defense of our rights.

However, a silent struggle persists throughout the nation. Many citizens have been intimidated into inaction, unaware of their rights or how to confront unlawful government actions. The fear instilled by government officials threatens to silence those who would otherwise stand up for their freedoms.

Yet, something powerful is brewing among us—inspired citizens ready to join a movement that defends our liberties.

You might hope a new Prime Minister will reshape our nation’s course towards freedom. While changes at the highest levels are critical, we must remain vigilant. There are over 4.1 million public servants whose adherence to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is essential to our collective freedom.

The reality is that even if a new leader ushers in progressive policies, the ingrained ideologies of local officials will persist.

A strategy that addresses local governance directly is necessary for sustainable change.

Defend Freedom

That’s where The Watch comes in. We are launching a national volunteer network that empowers individuals to become vigilant defenders of their rights and the rights of others. We can achieve more through grassroot efforts—identifying injustices that may go unnoticed—than through courtroom battles alone. Volunteers can serve as local watchdogs, attending city hall meetings, reporting rights infringements, and providing support to those in need.

Volunteers are not motivated by pay—they are driven by their convictions, their love for their communities, and a vision for a brighter future. As a military adage goes: “The mercenaries may win battles, but the volunteers will crush them both.”

Our goal is ambitious: to build volunteer teams in every community across Canada, each equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to hold local governments accountable. These volunteers will receive training that familiarizes them with their rights and empowers them to approach officials with clarity and confidence, asserting their demands backed by the strength of our Constitution.

As we embark on this journey, we seek those who are willing to invest their time and energy to create a legacy of freedom for future generations. Together we can restore the foundational values that have made Canada a remarkable nation.

Join us in The Watch, and stand beside us as guardians of our rights—because every action counts, and every voice matters. Together, we can illuminate the path toward a brighter, freer Canada.

Please contact us by email for an information package.